About us

Message from Chairman

We firmly believe that the legal education should not just aim at professionalism, but also should place high level of importance to social values and ethics, so legal education should transcend the boundaries of academics and be relevant to the changing corporate and social requirements.

Mahipal Institute of Law Education has been seeded with an aim to impart a high standard of legal teaching with missionary zeal so that young lawyers become fully competent to pursue their noble legal profession with knowledge, caliber and dignified standard. We not only lay emphasis upon procreation of degree but also insist more upon developing a sense of loyalty to be practically observed in pursuing their law practice as a noble profession indeed.

We assure you of excellence and integrity ever greater, ever better and extend a warm welcome to all of you to experience the spirit of learning at Mahipal Law College, Bulandshahr.


Today legal education has the challenge and responsibility of preparing a new generation of creative and dynamic lawyers with professional skills and comprehensive understanding of every law subject, to be dealt with in respect of attending cases of their clients and to become fully responsible for their conviction, convenience and overall satisfaction so far as pleading their respective cases in right earnest, is concerned.

To be a premier centre for legal education and to be the hub of legal excellence by adopting modern teaching and training techniques. Training to students to perform in highly competitive legal environment. Inculcating in the students, legal ethics and social consciousness, emphasizing on holistic personality growth.


The aims and objectives of MILE are as under:-

  1. To come up as a centre of excellence in the field of legal education by adopting modern teaching and training techniques.
  1. To impart high quality legal education and professional training to its students.
  1. To train law graduates capable of pursuing a career at the Bar, competing for Judicial Services, Civil Services and other services or for placement in National and Multi-National Corporations.
  1. To promote academic excellence, discipline, personal character, high sense of ethical and moral values and spirit of National integration among the students of Mahipal Law Institute.
  1. To promote sports, co-curricular activities for overall personality development of the students.